You may start your own automobile manufacturing plant. It gives us great pleasure to introduce you to a genuine mobile tycoon. The objective of the game is to construct a productive automobile assembly plant. In order to make the most of the space that you have available, you should organize your work into several workshops.
As in a real factory, there are many workshops, each of which is responsible for a distinct step of production. Everything works exactly the same way as it does in real life; for example, the body pieces are stamped in the body shop, then assembled in the welding shop, and finally painted, among other processes.
The player is given unrestricted control over how the conveyor and workshops are laid out. In contrast to games of a similar nature, we do not place any limitations on how a factory can be designed or built. A large number of automotive collections in their whole. You have the ability to construct a front-wheel drive SUV or a sports automobile with a four-liter engine if you so desire; nonetheless, it will not be simple to sell vehicles of this type.
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